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Budget constraints can sometimes make purchasing new equipment difficult to justify, which is forcing schools to take a different approach to long term IT goals.

Leasing Options

Many schools have now adopted a “rolling programme” for their in house IT. Put simply, if student laptops generally have a lifespan of 3 years, then a 3 year lease is used for the student machines. When the lease comes to an end, the school creates a new lease for a complete refresh of laptops and the whole process begins again. This makes IT forecasting much simpler for school bursars and the students benefit from new hardware with a warranty and reliability to match.
Payments can be flexible to suit the school’s needs, whether this be quarterly, yearly, etc.

Other options which are being adopted in education include bring your own device (BYOD). This simply means that each new student entering the school purchases their own laptop (signed and paid for by parents under a lease agreement) and all payments, issues, insurance and warranties are covered by Newcorp and the lease holder.

Find Out More

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Newcorp Computer Services Ltd: 3416520 | 8 John Bradshaw Court, Alexandria Way, Congleton, Cheshire CW12 1LB
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